How I Learn
The way I organize or get stuff done is by really putting my headphones on and just getting it done but what I really do is I do get my 8 hours of sleep and I do eat well and I'm talking very well. But I feel like if you really want to concentrate I'm going to exist out everything you got to be interested in your work if you're not interested let's be honest it's sloppy it does not show your true self in your work. And when you're interested in something and you put hard work and maybe you can tell that you love it because it's so good and amazing and you describe it in so many ways. And the way I do that with every work even if I not interested and I just think of my future I think if I do this I'll go to college I think if I do this I can go to Santa Barbara and live in an apartment and eat fancy food just because of joy of it. That's why I get to it for right now the only thing that's really getting me to do my homework is that if I finish I get to the watch TV so in conclusion that thing that makes me look forward to finishing my homework is I get a reward at the end a lot of people don't but I do and that's what makes me organize and get my stuff done.
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